Girls follows four twenty-something year old girls in a realistic portrayal of how living in NYC is not as glamourous as the Manolo's, swanky martini's, or Mr. Big that we have all grown accustomed to. If you can remember....graduating college and transitioning into the real world was severe torture. Even if you were one of those lucky ones that had a job lined up, you still did not have any clue what you really wanted to do with yourself. College was such a tease. Despite whatever motivational speakers say, there is no beauty found in transition--whatsoever.
The lead character, Hannah, is a quirky 24 year old writer who has spent the last two years at a silly non-paid internship gig. She recently was told by her parents that they would no long financially support her. Not only was this life shattering news something I could kind of relate to, (my mom still really is such a gem) it was so priceless when she looked at her parents like they were effing nuts. Within 24 hours, she faked an overdose just so she could tell them how much she needed their (monetary) support....and had meaningless booty-call sex with her skumbag friend, Adam. BTW Adam decides when and IF he will respond to Hannah's desperate sext messages. It's pretty funny when he decides to do so, and her rationalizations to put herself through this degrading dynamic is downright hilarious.
"i always use condoms, but umm lately I've been wondering about all the stuff that gets up around the sides of what is the deal with all that stuff, you know?"

M.O: the pretty, do-gooder one that is so seriously in need to dump her long term boyfriend and be treated like a piece of meat by someone....that isn't her boyfriend
"he's like so busy respecting me you know, that he looks right past me and everything that I need from him."

M.O: free-spirited, uber sexual, world class traveler with an attitude that literally flicks off the world.
"i don't like women telling other women what to do, or how to do it, or when to do it."

M.O: The extremely sheltered, Juicy sweat-suit wearing virgin, who lives for making vision boards and Sex and the City re-runs.
"i'm like the least virginy virgin-ever."
"anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good."
I am obsessed with the show too! amazing!