I was at the pool the other day, when it seriously dawned on me that my whole entire life is just one white girl problem after the next. For about an hour, while the rest of the world was working, finding a cure for aids, or doing anything that requires an iota of intelligence....my friends and I were talking about the difficulties of lunch.
What to eat?
Where to eat?
How much to eat?
Should I pack one?
Should I even eat one? (the answer is always no)
Is it gluten-free?
Is it fountain diet coke?
Is quinoa fattening?
Is it a wrap or a pita?
Do they have those skinny bagels?
Is it fried?
Is it fresh?
Like how fresh?
Is it like the one from Trader Joes?
Or Whole foods?
Or Potash?
You haven't been to Potash?
Is the dressing really creamy?
Can you make your own?
Do they have Boars Head?
Is it organic?
How organic?
Do they use styrofoam?
Did you know dairy gives me acne?
You don't eat guacamole?
You don't eat turkey?
You don't eat cheese?
You don't eat past 7 pm?
You're sick of Protein Bar?
You're on a diet? IM SO FAT.
It may sound silly, but lunch is a struggle I can identify with. Since food makes me super nauesous early in the morning, breakfast is usually coffee and something light to hold me over. When its lunchtime and my stomach starts to yell at me to put food in it....I start to feel a wave of anxiety with all these questions I have to answer, and decisions I will have to make. This middle-of-the-day trickster has two critical factors that must ALWAYS be addressed in making the decision of what to eat for lunch. Decide accordingly.
1) your mood for the rest of the day. Unless you have completely let yourself go, this is not something far-fetched. Think about it. You decide to cave and eat a huge piece of deep-dished pizza at lunch. Are you really feeling good about yourself now? How do your jeans fit? Yup. You should probably just get in a huge fight with yourself for the remainder of the day. Either that, or sleep it off once that food coma starts to kick in. OR you can just continue to self-sabatoge.....with cupcakes.
2) Dinner. This one should appear obvious as well. You are going out for Italian tonight. Since you know you are going to be eating a lot of bread, does it really make sense to have a ciabatta overload right now? Or maybe its sushi. Then you need to consider if that ahi-tuna salad from lunch isn't going to make your mercury levels go crazy. I'm pretty sure Jeremy Piven could tell you a thing or two about that mess.

I'd also like to thank all my friends who give me such inspiring material. you know who you are xx
"oh, well we do lunch in ten minutes. we don't have any tea, but we have coke and stuff."
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