I've always seen "free time" as a dangerous thing. Why? Part of me thinks it is because I am a control freak who loves nothing more than an orderly monotonous schedule, while the other part fears the possibility that given this surplus of time....I will think too far into things that really don't matter. I mean come on, there is a reason why stay at home moms shine at PTA meetings. Either way, I decided that for the two week break that I have between semesters...I was going to be as busy as possible doing absolutely nothing but busy-like things.
You want a quick and simple way to happiness? Make a to-do-list and follow it.
If you are someone like me, you make to-do-lists in your sleep. You may even have "make a to-do-list" on your actual to-do-list. (believe me, I already know its crazy). But the fact is, there is instant gratification in getting things accomplished, even if it is just picking up your dry cleaning.
Because I am in school for psychology, and I've recently decided I want to specialize in the neurological field, I am obsessed with all things that can be explained through brain activity. I read an article once that affirmed that our brains are wired to nag us about unfinished to-do-list items, otherwise known as the Zeigarnik effect. These uncompleted tasks, or unsuccessfully met goals continue to pop in our minds at odd times and disrupt the relationship between our unconscious and conscious levels of thinking. Hypothetically, if our unconscious were Lindsay Lohan's acting career, it would screaming to our conscious to stay out of jail and lay off the Jack.
This all makes perfect sense to me, because not only have I written an extensive to-do-list, I have been extremely successful in getting most of it done. I have been on break over a week, and have managed to stay completely busy. Normally, when I have a lot of things on my plate...the little stuff tends to get shoved to the side. We create a hierarchy of priorities, and yes, studying for a midterm would be more important than replacing your watch battery....but guess what, your watch still needs to be fixed!
Do I want to spend the rest of my life completing tasks that when put in perspective are kinda, well--unfulfilling? Absolutely not.. but I also don't want to spend my life avoiding them either. If we only looked at the big things in life as accomplishments, we would very seldom feel proud of ourselves. Who knows? Maybe the little things are the big things BIGGEST compliments! Is getting an oil change the ticket to pure happiness? Hahaha, I doubt it...but seriously, take your car in. xx
"i've divided them into entrees and appetizers."
I'm total control freak too! I can't relax at all and I need to have something to do with my time, otherwise, I'll go crazy. I like to keep my plate as full as possible. It's just my personality, I guess. But I do like sleeping though, haha :-)