Now there is a part of revenge that I do believe is idle and rather disturbing. We learn from a young age to
“be the bigger person” or just grow from whatever shitty experience has
happened to us. Typically, I believe this is the way to go. Life is hard
enough, and you really shouldn’t waste all that energy on somebody else who has
wronged you, and you definitely can’t change people unless they are wiling to
change. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Ooooo I love the exceptions!
Here are a few scenarios where I think you should be granted immunity in "two can play that game."
1) somebody calls you fat. (no, that is all)
2) your boyfriend decides to cheat on you with Florida trash, and opts out to visit you for a weekend of cheap beer, a lame excuse for a "boat" and a guaranteed case of crabs. (actually, if your boyfriend decides to cheat in general....)
3) you find out that the barista at Starbucks has been putting whole milk in your latte
4) a classmate, or co-worker takes credit for work that you have done...and then labels you "crazy" for calling them out on it.
6) your bridezilla besty decides on an easter colored bridesmaid dress (that is not a true friend..)
6) your bridezilla besty decides on an easter colored bridesmaid dress (that is not a true friend..)
5) somebody messes with ANYBODY that is family, or close friends
I could probably continue, but I'm pretty sure you catch the drift. The truth is, revenge can be applicable in mending whatever damage has been done....but it doesn't always equal an even score. Temporary gratification isn't always that great. Sometimes the energy we invest in having somebody "get theirs".... we lose sight of what really matters...and we become so consumed with the revenge, that we forget about our own happiness. My dear friend Coco Chanel said it best, "don't spend time beating a wall, hoping to transform it into a door."
If we spend the rest of our lives like Emily Thorne, we'd never get to appreciate the yumminess that is Daniel Grayson, or the fact that we have inherited a solid 100 million dollars. If I were Emily, I would enjoy my beautiful Hampton beach house, take a long vacay to the south of France, and go on shopping sprees at Barney's like it was my last day on earth. Does that really sound SO AWFUL?
If we spend the rest of our lives like Emily Thorne, we'd never get to appreciate the yumminess that is Daniel Grayson, or the fact that we have inherited a solid 100 million dollars. If I were Emily, I would enjoy my beautiful Hampton beach house, take a long vacay to the south of France, and go on shopping sprees at Barney's like it was my last day on earth. Does that really sound SO AWFUL?
Get even, but play fair. Vendetta's aren't always that cool. xx
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