Monday, June 11, 2012

The Demise of Reality TV

You know that society is in serious crisis when they put reality shows on television that glamorize incest. Just when I think Teen Mom takes the cake, I discover TLC's My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. The show portrays the over the top eccentric lives of gypsies, and follows different characters each week to emulate all that is gypsy.

So I get it. Belly dancing, nomadic lifestyle tendencies, and devotion to gold jewelry are all very culture-esque....but INCEST? This weeks episode, which coincidentally happened to be my very first (and last) viewing of this show, follows the couple of first cousins tying the knot. Between constant PDA, a high voltage wedding dress, and family members praising their unacceptable courtship---I was one step away from sending TLC hate mail and canceling my cable account.

First Cousins.
Listen, as dramatic as I may sound about this issue...I realize that I am by no means the definition of a saint. I've done less than kosher things before...but I know when to have a sit down with morality.  A faux pas is a faux pas is a faux pas. This show makes me want to hire a marriage counselor in hopes to get Jon and Kate Gosselin back together. I think I'm even beginning to looking at Sister Wives in a more respectful light.

What happend to the good ol' days, when reality shows were 30 minutes...and involved a black light or a tour bus filled with contestants? They were silly, absolutely unrealistic, but exactly what I needed without thinking...WLKJ@#$!*FJLS? Entertainment value is one thing. Throwing up in my mouth is another. 

Here is a list of my top most missed reality shows. 

Singled Out --- Ah, my favorite part of the 90's (besides The Rachel). Jenny McCarthy was smokin hot and Carmen Elektra was even hotter. This truly became the first reality dating show that wasn't squeaky clean. 

Rich Girls--Although this show only had one measly season, I became absolutely obsessed with Ally Hilfiger and her frenemy, Jaime Gleicher. As much as the Simple Life had a similar premise, it saddens me to watch Nicole Richie before she became skinny and chic. 

Newlyweds--Guilty pleasure. Jessica Simpson when I was actually jealous of her appearance. Is this chicken or tuna? Loved every minute.

Flavor of Love--Desperate tramps, clock necklaces, and pimp cups? Enough said.

True Life--some of my favorite episodes. "I'm going to Fat Camp" "I'm on Adderoll" and "I'm a Chubby Chaser."

"How much fun would it be having a brother-type following along? Josh, you are not my brother."

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