A huge part of the reason why I love working out is I can rationalize spending $100 on Lululemon pants. I know it sounds ridic, (whatever...they do free alterations...) but it really motivates me to get my ass to the gym. Since this gym is the epitome of River North snobbery, workouts are never just about breaking a sweat. Just like it is social suicide to join mathletes..it is just as awful to go workout WITHOUT wearing Lululemon, and not be prepared to run into that one person who you would rather not run into. The monthly fees are absolutely absurd, and because I can charge things on my membership card....I avoid looking at my bank statement on the 10th of every month. It has gotten out of hand, and you would think food wouldn't even be associated with my workouts...but its quite the opposite. Oh, and hangover bloody mary's on Saturday morning don't help my cause, either.

I will say this, belonging to this wonderful place has been a blessing on my social life. Because I am in school, I don't have the opportunity to socialize with co-workers all day long. I spend most my time reading textbooks or writing papers---both of which do not contain much socializing with others. So, yeah you can imagine how nice it is to be able to be apart of some type of social scene. On the contrary, I have even learned how to disengage from the social scene as well. You know, when you're in that kind of mood where the idea of small talk...
."hiiiiii how are you.." makes you want to vomit? If you adamantly keep your headphones on and keep walking, it pretty much cuts any conversation down by 90%.

The summers are worth the cost alone. Every weekend, the rooftop is filled with hundreds of young Chicago hooligans. It's like spring break, sans the room service and jet-lag. Also, there isn't the same pressure to day drink. Because bathing suit season is absolutely daunting....it is great motivation to get on that stair master. Let's be honest. Working out may boost my seratonin level...but it is a pain in the ass. If I'm not given the opportunity to stare at cute boys, why on earth would I want to put myself through that torture?

If you are doing something healthy and good for yourself...who the eff cares about WHY you are doing it. Rationalizing a way to workout is way better than rationalizing the need to indulge in a big mac and fries... (woof).
Go work out! And for those days where you really can't get yourself to the gym, (a battle I face daily) I find if you dress the part....it def shows you are making some type of effort. Plus, it makes others jeal they don't even belong to a gym.
"i doubt I've worked off the calories in a stick of Carefree gum."
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