I wanted to address a serious issue that has really been bothering me lately.
Text messaging etiquette.
If you haven't heard of it...you are probably that jackass that rides his/her bike in the middle of the street during rush hour, or thinks its ok to park in handicapped spots. Shame on you.
Now I'm the first to say I absolutely love text messaging. I've never been a phone person, and this quick alternative couldn't be more convenient. Text messaging has made picking up the phone obsolete, saved us all from awkward conversations, and of course, has given us something to do when we are bored at the office and/or school. Despite all the positives, I strongly believe that there are certain circumstances where NOT picking up the phone is absolutely inappropriate and rude. When these certain occasions occur, and people still believe it is in their better judgement to type out important information....it truly shows that they have left technology get not only the best of their maturity, but their character.
Here is a list of certain scenarios where I believe texting is completely inappropriate.
1. You ask a girl out for a first date. I'm sorry...chivalry is not dead, and if you do want to take her out...be a man, pick up the phone, and ask her out. No excuses. You want to text for directions, text if you are still on for later...fine. But to ask her out...call first. Huge deal-breaker.
2. You break up with somebody. Berger may have done it on a post-it note...but this is seriously just as worse. It is basically saying, "I'm disregarding your feelings, and showing you mine in 150 characters or less." Let me break it down in lay terms. "You have no class" is only 14 characters, and that is all you will ever be if you think it is kosher for you to pull that immature crap off.
3. You're backing out of a commitment. Anytime you are seriously going to screw someone over, disappoint them, or completely bypass whatever it is you and that other person had agreed upon...it is a huge slap in the face when you don't have the decency to call them up and be an honorable human-being. People actually like to hear empathy.

I guess if I sat and thought about it...the list could go on and on. But seriously, just because technology has made certain things easier to get away with....doesn't mean it is alright when it comes to managing significant relationships in our lives. Times may be a changing, but people are still the same as they have always been. If the situation feels really uncomfortable...it's probably because you owe that person the respect of a simple phone call.
"No, you're entitled to your opinion, alright? I've been the total tart here."
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