For those of you who opt out of celebrity gossip (who are you?) ...I'll give you a recap. Kristen hooked up with her Snow White and the Huntsman director, Rupert Sanders. Girl even publicly admitted to it.
No, I'm not some crazy feminist or anything, but the way this whole situation is being portrayed really does show how society loves nothing more than a double standard and I'm kind of over it.

First: She allegedly never had sex with Rupert. Making out is bad, but truth be told...she isn't married, bad judgement and weak moments happen, and people need to seriously relax.
Second: If you think for one minute that Robert Pattinson has NEVER cheated on his beloved Bella, you are gullible and delusional. Guys are better at masking their emotions, which is probably why they get away with a lot more.
Third: Let's look at the real problem here. Rupert Sanders, who could technically be KStew's father....took advantage of a young fame-whore girl. As a director, he completely broke his professionalism. He also broke his wedding vows, and I'm pretty sure that's against the law (yeah, douche is married).
Fourth: Here is where the true double standard takes place. How many times have you heard about pro-athletes cheating on their wives? Or how about actors blaming their infidelities on a sex addiction? Or politicians who bang dirty hookers?
And does this effect their contracts? Or movie careers? Or presidency?
So yes, KStew.... definitely did something a little less than kosher, but she is young and human. I still think she is one of the worlds worst actresses, and lame to think wearing converse on the red carpet is sooooo edgy and different.....but still! Give the girl a B_R_E_A_K. People need to back off, and focus on things that really matter. Like Jessica Simpson's weight loss.
"suck and blow is a game, elton!"
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